Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Beautiful Workshop Series And Concert At HongKong

The essence of everything in the Universe is vibration. Any emotional blocks that reside within us is stuck vibrational energy which if unreleased impacts our emotional and physical health.

We however have all  been blessed with powerful tools for self-wellness; the voice & the body. The indian vedas and the ancient Greek &  Egyptian texts all speak about the healing power of sound and its remarkable curative properties. 

Earlier in May 2018 we  completed a series of workshops with The Red Doors Studio and a concert at the Lamma Art Collective in Hong Kong 

Both events   were a lot of  fun and a very enriching experience!  I thought it would be a nice idea to share with you some pictures from the sessions and also the  Hong Kong concert highlightsI would love to hear what you think about it!  

Participants both young and old alike experienced a unique self-exploratory journey through sound- Celebrating their authentic self, and experiencing, fulfillment and joy, through a discovery of how sound plays such a important role in one's life!


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