Saturday, June 1, 2019

A Custom Sound Healing Workshop! Organized for a large corporate Business


Personal growth of the employee promotes a positive work environment - Imbibing in employees a sense of love and care from the organization. The change in pace and  attention to a non -work related activity also gives employees time to sharpen the saw. Resulting in work output with renewed enthusiasm.

At the start of April we were able to do just that for a large corporate based out of Pune. This session was facilitated for the middle management level of employees in the organisation. And they had a fun time 'tuning out' from their everyday work routine while also learning 'take home' techniques they can personally use in the future; to de-stress and return to their true selves. 

It is our mission is to facilitate these powerful experiences for your organization. Helping in creating an avenue for your  employees to  feel more peaceful and in tune with themselves. We facilitate these unique and radical learning experiences  using music and movement as tools of transformation and a  return to a state of inner peace and joy.

For more  info on how you, your colleagues ,  your employees or workplace can have this experience , say hello  to us at - 9711246498 or write to us at | 

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